- all the organs + systems à been laid down.
- embryo = foetus.
amnion, chorion
+ allantois
- formed from embryonic cells
- in early stages of embryonic development.
Ø develops from the epiblast.
Ø encloses embryo in a fluid-filled amnioc sac,
Ø protecting embryo (foetus) from:
· abrupt temperature changes
· mechanical impacts.
4. Chorion:
develops from trophoblast. Ø surrounds the embryo + other extraembryonic membranes.
5. Aallantois:
develops from part of embryo’s archenteron.
6. Placenta:
consists of endometrial tissue + extraembryonic
membranes. · a specialized organ
· allows exchange of materials
· between maternal + foetal blood streams.
Foetal part of
the placenta
- arises from amniotic + chorionic membranes.
- umbilical blood vessels àformed from allantois.
- diffusion,
- active transport
- selective absorption.
9. Nutrients,
oxygen, water + antibodies:
- pass from the mother’s blood
- into the fetal blood circulatory system.
10. Umbilical artery:
carries blood · from aorta of foetus
· to placenta,
11. Umbilical vein:
carries blood· from placenta
· to posterior vena cava of foetus.
12. Placenta is
· site of gaseous exchange, · source of nutrients
· excretory organ
· source of antibodies.
13. Although foetal + maternal blood streams:
· flow very close to each other
· but blood do not mix.

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